Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cascade Running at the Egg Nog 400's: We came, we chugged, we puked!

Well, against my better judgement I became a reluctant participant in the 2007 Egg Nog 400's at St. Helens High School. There were about 20 of my current and former athletes out for the event and you could say I got "Egged" into it. :-) I was surely the oldest, slowest and most ridiculous looking member of this year's field...but proudly I held my nog better than I thought I would. I gingerly took the first 8oz. cup of Egg Nog -- as I mentioned in my last post, I have one of the weaker stomachs in the world, so I wasn't expecting much from myself today. As it turned out I made it to the 10th lap and EIGHTY OUNCES of egg nog before I just couldn't take it anymore and bowed out with a less-than-graceful spew of holiday cheer. Once I gathered myself and looked around I realized only one of my runners was actually still in the race...the rookie "nogger" Eric Lagerstrom lasted for 12 full laps and missed the podium by a single place as he finished 4th overall. I would have been happy with bragging rights except for the fact that Eric was the only person that rode out in my car...leaving me unable to brag, lest I be reminded of the drubbing he just put me through. Next year I need to bring the bus so I can talk a little egg nog trash on the drive home! :-)

1 comment:

J-Vader said...

Yeah way to go Eric!