Monday, December 24, 2007

Cascade Running: The Day After the Nog

It's the day after the 2007 Egg Nog relays and approximately 4 dozen fellow "Noggers" are in detox mode as we recover from the creamy madness we put our bodies through. The pictures are beginning to surface and certainly a highlight video will show up on YouTube (see Egg Nog 400's) but the stomach cramps and egg nog aversions are the true legacy of this event.

It was a lot of fun to see so many of my past and current runners connecting with the community of runners here in Portland. If you look at the Egg Nog event videos from other places you'll see a small handful of people...but the Portland event has more than 50 (probably a low estimate) and another 40-50 spectators in the stands! If you live in the Portland area you already know what a great community of runners we have here...if you don't live here then you'll have to just imagine what it might be like.

I'm off to get my workout done...looks like a bike/run today.

Coach Howard

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